Self and Finance

How do I get there ?
Exercising self - control practices do not take decisions under strong emotions, including your expenses (sad, angry, etc), before taking advantage of an offer ask Do I need it ? make changes in your financial habits is difficult, not impossible, there will always be ways to reduce and increase your income, get organized, be creative. You can give tastes whenever they are in your monthly budget. Any changes need a certain amount of effort and perseverance, self - control will help you have a healthier economic life.

Total Stewardship Ministry

  • This ministry will provide education and basic assistance about Christian stewardship in the holistic perspective. All based on the Bible (King James Version) and the Spirit of Prophecy--writings inspired by God and written by Ellen G. White.

  • Educate and help Bible-based believers to manage all their resources in a Godly manner. Reflect the holistic and equilibrate stewardship described in the King James Bible and in the Spirit of Prophecy (Ellen G White).

  • Be a respected-and-reputable stewardship resource for Christians worldwide in subjects such as, but not limit to, finances, health, technology and interpersonal relationships.
  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Practical knowledge
  • Fidelity
  • Faith
  • Responsibility

What do I need to achieve this?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Ask God's guidance in managing your resources.

Make a list of your income.

Allocates an amount for savings.

Know your fixed expenses.

Separate emergency savings.

Record your expenses.

Evaluate your progress.

